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Some basic stuff...

Hello and welcome to the South West Midlands Area of the MX-5 Owners' Club

Our monthly meetings are normally held from about 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month.  Most Members take the opportunity to dine at the venue.  Some even take to drink!

As well as monthly meetings we arrange regular drives and events.  As you will appreciate, the winter months do not lend themselves to open air driving, so January and December tend to get a miss.  There is usually a break for the main holiday month of August. Drives are normally held on the Sunday seventeen days following the monthly meeting.

Apart from the locally organised meetings and drives, Members can enjoy other events and national events.  The club's main site has more details of the national events.

Monthly Drives

Drives 2024

 Click the month name for quick access to the details
February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  

As well as monthly meetings we arrange regular drives and events.  As you will appreciate, the winter months do not lend themselves to open air driving, so January and December tend to get a miss.  

Drives are normally held on the Sunday seventeen days following the monthly meeting.

NOTE: Check the SWM events page Here for latest info on drive special events
ALSO: Check the SWM events on the MX5 OC Club Calendar (Click Here)

Some ideas for future drives and events...

  • visit to a National Trust or similar property
  • take a picnic
  • treasure hunt
Download useful NOTES - CLICK HERE for organisers and participants.

If you are planning a drive and wish to use Tulip Diagrams then CLICK HERE
for the template document

You can download an example Drive Route and modify this if you wish CLICK HERE for ExampleDriveRoute.doc

NOTE: Check the 2023 Drives Here for further examples on drives
Click here for record of previous drives

February 18th            Gary & Julie Ridgway

February’s first drive for 2024

Date: Sunday 18th February 2024
Start: The Fairview Gardener & The Tea Room, Chapel Lane, Birdwood, Gloucester, GL2 8AR
Time: 09:00 onwards for breakfast baps, tea/coffee.
Depart: 10:00
Finish: Taurus Crafts Centre, The Old Park Park, Forest of Dean, Lydney GL15 6BU
Distance: approx 65 miles

Right Click and save link / target to download the route and Itinerary.

click the map icon for a larger map

Drive Options:

The February Drive starts at the Fairview Gardener Tea Room. Arrive at 9 am for Breakfast. There is no need to pre-order but please allow sufficient time as food is cooked to order and the Drive will leave at 10am.
The 65 miles route will be on a mix of A and B roads and take us through Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Monmouthshire before returning to Gloucestershire. Lunch will be at Taurus Crafts just south of Lydney GL15 6BU. The Café offers a choices of light meals and excellent cakes. (Ignore the menu on their website, Roast meals are not available).
At Taurus crafts there are a number of independent shops as well as a brewery tap that serves a range of craft ales including low alcohol versions as well as soft drinks. So that we can give the both venues an idea of numbers please can you let us know if you are going to join us for breakfast of lunch.

Useful Information:

Fairview Gardener Tea Room Website:

Julie was in contact with the cafe at Taurus Crafts and attach their lunch menu (see below):.
If you just want coffee/tea and a slice of cake, no need to pre order.
However, if you wanted something else on the menu, they have asked if you can contact them by Saturday at the latest to put in your order. Their telephone number is 01594 844841
I think they are just concerned we are quite a big group and want to ensure that they can accommodate what everyone wishes to order.

Clich here for the menu

MyRouteApp Link:
MyRouteApp is the tool I use to create the satnav itineraries on a PC. It allows routes to be shared between users and the Android / IOS version also has a fully functional satnav app (subscription required) that follows these routes accurately. There is a basic free subscription, for more information on MyRouteApp go to
Click the below to open the route

March 24th            David & Gina

A Jolly Nice Round Trip

Date: Sunday 24th March 2024
Start: Jolly Nice Cafe And Farm Shop, Frampton Mansell, Stroud GL6 8HZ.
Time: from 09:00 for Breakfast and tea/coffee
Briefing: 10:45
Depart: 11:00
Intermediate Stop: 12:00 for Coffee & Cakes
Depart: 14:00
Finish: Jolly Nice Cafe And Farm Shop, Frampton Mansell, Stroud GL6 8HZ.
Distance: 72 miles

Right Click and save link / target to download the route.

click the map icon for a larger map

Drive Options:

We have planned a later start than usual for members to travel to the Jolly Nice Cafe as it is at the Southern edge of area. We do hope you can join us.

Useful Information:
Jolly Nice Farm & Coffee Shop
What was once a petrol station is now a handsome hotchpotch of wooden buildings, locally crafted yurts, and little paddocks. Enlivened by plants, flowers, fruit and veg, the concrete forecourt is now a convenient and beautiful place to do the weekly shop.
We have reserved parking at the bottom of the car park by the café.

We have negotiated 10% discount off all food & drinks. QUOTE MX5 OWNERS CLUB WHEN ORDERING AT BAR IN CAFÉ
Both our venues welcome well behaved dogs on leads.

April 28th            Trevor & Victoria

The Thinking Persons Drive all about Looking and Seeing (Observation)

Date: Sunday 28th April 2024
Start: Strawberry Fields Pub, Charity Crescent, Evesham, WR11 2UT
Time: 09.30 For Tea/Coffee/Breakfast
Briefing: 10:45
Depart: 11:00 at 1 Minute intervals
Finish: Stratford Garden Centre, Campden Rd, Clifford Chambers, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8LW
Distance: 32 miles

Right Click and save link / target to download the
where you must zero your trip and follow the Instruction Sheets handed out by Trevor & Victoria.

Drive Options:
The title of the drive gives an indication for the day.
All answers given are judged by the drive organisers and their decision is final!

At the end of the drive you can enjoy a Coffee or Lunch The Lime Tree Restaurant at the Garden Centre where we have reserved tables for our group.

  • The Route & Clues will be handed out on the day.
  • Can you all please remember to bring along a pen. (We will have a few available on the day)
  • Be aware there will be lots of narrow single track roads!
  • This is not a race there are NO prizes for arriving first!!
  • All questions or clues can be seen either from the comfort of your car or you may have to get out of your car to look.
  • Single drivers will need to tag on with couples as unfortunately due to Elf & Safety you need to keep your eyes on the road not looking for clues.
  • All mileages are approximate!

In the event of a tie (Cheating) all names will be put in a hat and drawn out at the next monthly meeting by a member who was not on the drive!
The drive finishes at a garden centre where there are lots of small units to explore and a place for snacks / lunch

Useful Information:

May 19th            Andrew & James

Wales & Wye: The Castle Canyon Cruise

Date: Sunday 19th May 2024
Start: The Woodshed, Deer Park, Eastnor, Ledbury HR8 1RA
Time: 9:00 for breakfast / coffee
Depart: 10:15 (10:30 latest)
Coffee / Lunch: The Copper Kettle Tea Room, Emm-lee, Llanddewi Skirrid, Abergavenny NP7 8AP
Finish: Symonds Yat Rock, Coleford GL16 7NZ
Distance: 96.4 miles

Right Click and save link / target to download the route and Itinerary.

click the map icon for a larger map
Drive Options:

Useful Information:

June 23rd            Jacob & Dan ably assisted by David & Gina

Jacob & Dan's June Jaunt

Date: Sunday 23rd June 2024
Start: Worcester Garden Centre, Droitwich Rd, A38, Worcester WR3 7SW
Time: from 10:30 (opens at 10:00)
Briefing: 11:15, Please Print a Copy of the Route Instructions for Reference
Depart: 11:30
Pitstop: 12:45 Westonbury Mill Water Gardens. HR6 9HZ
Depart: 14:45
Finish: 16:00 The Plough & Harrow. Malvern. WR13 6NY
Distance: 82 miles

Drive Options:
Route Instructions and itineraries are below:
Right Click and save link / target to download the route and Itinerary.

click the map icon for a larger map

Useful Information:
Refreshments will be available at the start and all destinations.
Click Below to view the Breakfast Menus for the Worcester Garden Centre.

If you require food at the Plough & Harrow it must be PRE ORDERED
Click Below to view the Sunday Lunch Menu for the The Plough & Harrow.
Food Pre Orders to Gina via: No later than Wednesday 19th June please.


July 28th           Jeff

Encountering Nine Castles

Date: Sunday 28th July 2024
Start: The Nest Garden Centre, Little Verzons Farm, Hereford Road, Ledbury, HR8 2PZ
Time: 09:30 for Breakfast
Briefing: 10:30
Depart: 10:30
Intermediate Stop: 12:30 Hay-On-Wye, Oxford Rd Car Park, HR3 5AJ
Depart: 14:00
Finish: 15:00 Lamb & Flag, Brecon Rd, Abergavenny NP7 7EW
Distance: 98 miles (61 part 1 /37 part 2)

Drive Options:

Right Click and save link / target to download the route and Itinerary.

click the map icon for a larger map

Useful Information:

On arrival at The Nest please carry straight on into the overflow car park – Do not park in front of the building.
The Car Park at Hay on Wye is pay & display.

If you require a meal at the Lamb and Flag it must be pre-ordered
Click Below to view the Menu:
Food Pre Orders to Gina via: No later than Friday 19th July please.

August 18th            Ron & Jon

The Farm Shops Tour

Date: Sunday 18th August 2024
Start: St Peters Garden Centre, Pear Tree Farm, Norton Rd Worcester WR5 2NY
Time: 9:00 for breakfast / coffee
Depart: 10:00 -10:15
Intermediate Stop: Cotswold Farm Park, Guiting Power, Cheltenham GL54 5FL
Depart: 11:45 - 12:00
Finish: Hillers Farm Shop, Dunnington Heath Farm, Alcester B49 5PD
Distance: 57 miles

Right Click and save link / target to download the route and Itinerary.
click the map icon for a larger map

Drive Options:

We will start at St Peter's Garden Centre; stop at Cotswold Farm Park where we should park in the 'More Parking Area'. Refreshments can be purchased here in the cafeteria. Then move on to Hillers Farm Shop. We should park in the overspill car park. Here, there is a Farm Shop, Garden & Gift Shop, Gardens and a Bird Hide. They also have a Miniature Railway, unfortunately it won't be running the day we are there. There are ample catering facilities with no need to pre-book. All they ask is that we stagger our orders rather than all turn up at once. We can also have our own picnics if preferred.

Useful Information:
Cotswold Farm Park Website:
Hillers Website:

Sunday September 22nd            Paul & Pam

Monthly Drive Details TBA

Date: Sunday 22nd September 2024
Start: TBA
Time: TBA
Depart: TBA
Intermediate Stop: TBA
Finish: TBA
Distance: miles

Drive Options:

Useful Information:

October 20th            Rowan & Myles


Date: Sunday 20th October 2024
Start: TBA
Time: TBA
Depart: TBA
Intermediate Stop: TBA
Finish: TBA
Distance: miles

Drive Options:

Useful Information:

November 17th            Heather

Concorde Experience

Date: Sunday 17th November 2024
Start: TBA
Time: TBA
Depart: TBA
Intermediate Stop: TBA
Finish: TBA
Distance: miles

Drive Options:

Useful Information:

December Sunday 8th             No Drive this month

Christmas Meal

Venue: TBA
Time: 12:30 for 13:00 sit down
Dress Code: Smart as you like but NO Jeans please